Friday, June 17, 2011

17 June 2011 - Everyday can't be perfect

We are leaving Swakopmund tomorrow. Swakopmund is a tourist town where people come for holiday. It's like Miami? And our B&B is super cute as you can see. Our room even have a bath tub outside in the private back garden.

We went kayaking with seals today. Saw some dolphins too but we could not get close. The seals on the other hand were really curious about us, especially in erik. They took turn biting erik's paddle.

It's a nice little town here, nice restaurants, cute little shops. It almost makes you forget the awkwardness of the inequality if you don't pay attention. Namibia, being called the modeled democratic country, seems to still have severe uneven distribution of resources/wealth. We basically never see black customers at restaurants or tourist activities. And the living situations are night and day from those in Swakopmund and the villages we drove passed.

Annoyances of the day: haven't been able to cash our travellers' cheque for two days, credit card stopped working today and no phone seems to allow collect call (to call the credit card). All the sudden, we are reminded that conveniences we expected out of this tourist town isn't so reliable afterall. Hopefully it will all get sorted before we head towards the rural area again tomorrow ...

One more excitement: we passed by where Brad Pit & Angelina Jolie stayed at when they were here (so we were told)!!